Google RankBrain Algorithm: What is it and How Does it Work?

RankBrain is an artificial intelligence algorithm introduced by Google in 2015, aimed at making search results more effective, intelligent, and user-focused. The algorithm enables Google to classify, process, and most importantly, understand search queries, ensuring that search results are ranked to provide maximum benefit to users. In this content, we will explore how the RankBrain algorithm works and explore its workings in detail.

How Does RankBrain Work?


The algorithm ensures that users reach the most accurate information and the results they need in their searches. It translates user searches into concepts and finds pages containing those concepts. If it encounters a query that has never been searched before and is unknown, it looks for results most similar to the original query.

Additionally, it provides a series of suggestions likely to be preferred by users, offering options. If users show interest in one of these options, it increases the ranking of that page. If the new ranking is not found efficient or engaging by users, it reverts to the previous algorithm.

Google continually improves the performance of the RankBrain algorithm by analyzing data collected from users and their search habits. Being a system that evolves, it operates with machine learning and trains itself over time. RankBrain holds a significant position among Google ranking factors and directly influences search result rankings. The algorithm uniquely combines, distinguishes, and filters words and phrases to enhance user experience, thus maximizing benefits.

This algorithm has proven to be more efficient than Google engineers in designing itself over time. Research results indicate that Google asked a group of engineers to determine the best search results for a specific term. As a result of this experiment, RankBrain’s performance was found to be 10% better than that of Google engineers.

How to Optimize for RankBrain?

If you want to optimize your website for RankBrain, as expressed by Google Search analyst Gary Illyes, the key is to “be natural.” Instead of writing like a machine, provide your readers with quality content in a natural language with accurate information. If your content sounds natural and consists of correct information, it means you have optimized for RankBrain.

Highlighted Features of RankBrain Algorithm


Initially implemented for 15% of Google queries, RankBrain has gradually become part of all Google searches over the years due to its performance and development. The highlighted features of the algorithm that affects rankings in all languages and countries include:

  • The algorithm’s self-improvement and learning process occur offline.
  • It organizes rankings by determining data accuracy on the page and the relevance of the content.
  • It considers metrics such as bounce rate and click-through rate when organizing rankings.

Since 2015, RankBrain has been actively involved in Google ranking factors, with limited information available about it. Websites aiming to adapt this algorithm to their SEO strategies need to provide readers with accurate information and quality content. Additionally, with low bounce rates and high click-through rates, ranking increases become inevitable.